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Monopotassium phosphate 0-52-34 (MKP)

article source: Release time:2021年08月13日


Molecular formula: KH2PO4 
Molecular weight: 136.09

CAS No.: 7778-77-0
Properties:White or colorless crystal,relative density at 2.338, melting point at 252.6 ℃.

MKP is suitable for preparation of fertilizer blends and production of liquid fertilizers. When applied as foliar spray, MKP acts as a suppressor of powdery mildew.

MKP is a fully water-soluble mono-potassium phosphate fertilizer, a highly efficient source of phosphorus and potassium for plants. As a nitrogen-free fertilizer, MKP is the preferred source of phosphorus and potassium when nitrogen fertilization should be limited. Application of MKP at the productive stages of sugar-rich fruit crops helps to increase sugar content and to improve the quality of these.

Main Advantages

Fully water-soluble; 
Consists of 100% plant nutrients; High concentrate of P and K
 Free of chloride, sodium and other detrimental elements for plants; 
 Safe for plants and humans: has a moderately low pH and low salt index; 
Suitable for the fertigation, foliar application and production of fertilizer blends and nutrient solutions.

Packing:In 25kg, 50kg, 1000kg net bags.

Technical Specifications : 

SpecificationsIndustrial GradeFood Grade
Main contents % ≥9999
Phosphorus pentoxide% ≥5252
Potassium oxide (K2O) % ≥3434
PH value of 1% solution4.3-4.7 4.4-4.8
Moisture% ≤0.10.1
Heavy metal, as Pb% ≤0.0020.001
Arsenic, as As% ≤
Fluoride as F% ≤
Water insoluble% ≤ 0.10.1 

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